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Siffatjot Singh
Siffatjot Singh

In an electrifying face-off that's gripping the Indian digital arena, stands tall against Google's controversial in-app payment fees. This confrontation goes beyond fees, questioning digital monopolies and advocating for a fair, open digital ecosystem. A pivotal moment for innovation and competition, this story is at the forefront of defining the future of digital rights in India.
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In a digital era where the balance between technological advancement and market fairness is constantly challenged, the recent clash between and Google over app store fees has become a focal point of contention. This dispute has not only jolted the Indian digital ecosystem but also sparked a broad discussion on the implications of digital monopolies and the preservation of internet freedom. At the heart of this controversy lies Google's decision to enforce a new service fee for in-app payments, disrupting the operations of many Indian apps, including the matrimonial giant, and igniting debates over the fairness and legality of such impositions.

The Core of the Controversy

The crux of the conflict involves Google's decision to revise its fee structure for in-app payments within the Indian market. This adjustment came in response to directives from the Competition Commission of India (CCI), which aimed to dismantle the prior fee system that levied charges between 15% and 30%. Google's new policy imposes a fee ranging from 11% to 26% on in-app payments, marking a significant shift in the financial obligations of app developers utilizing the Google Play Store platform. Leading to a legal tussle that saw no relief from the Supreme Court for the affected companies. Among the notable casualties were leading matrimonial services like,, and BharatMatrimony, along with other popular platforms such as ALTBalaji, Kuku FM, and dating services like QuackQuack and Truly Madly.

Voices from the Industry

The industry's backlash was immediate and vehement. Anupam Mittal of vocalized the frustration felt across the board, marking it as a dire moment for the digital landscape in India. Accusations of monopolistic behavior were directed at Google, highlighting a growing concern over the tech giant's dominance. Amid efforts to comply and return to the Play Store, industry leaders called for a strategic pivot towards developing an alternate app ecosystem, echoing India's aspiration for digital sovereignty.

The Underlying Debate: Monopoly and Market Control

Anupam Mittal has been at the forefront of critiquing Google's policies, casting them as a blatant attempt by tech behemoths to cement their control over the internet economy. The introduction of exorbitant service fees, Mittal argues, jeopardizes the financial sustainability of companies by demanding an unsustainable portion of their revenues. This, he asserts, exposes the fallacy in Google's rationale, challenging the disparity between the services provided and the fees imposed.

The Call for Action

The outcry from the Indian tech ecosystem and its stakeholders advocates for a dual approach: immediate regulatory intervention to curb Google's monopolistic practices and a visionary effort to foster a diversified app store landscape. This stance underscores the imperative to protect the digital economy from dominance by a few, ensuring equitable internet access and economic participation for all.


The standoff between and Google symbolizes a pivotal moment in the digital domain, reflecting deeper issues of market control, innovation, and the autonomy of national digital ecosystems. As this battle unfolds, it may well set a global precedent for the operational dynamics of digital marketplaces, underscoring the need for a harmonious balance that champions innovation while ensuring fair play and competition. The resolution of this conflict will not only shape the future of India's digital landscape but also signal to the world the critical importance of maintaining an open and equitable digital economy.